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Access a network printer via the TAN


You will need:

  • a Connect endpoint on the same local area network (LAN) as the printer, to provide subnet behind endpoint routing
  • the LAN IP address of the printer that you want to access
  • a Connect endpoint that will access the printer via the Trusted Area Network

Set up subnet behind endpoint routing to the printer

Using a Connect endpoint on the same local area network as the printer, configure subnet behind endpoint routing.

Add the printer's IP address as a new subnet.

Create Subnet form

Populate the following required fields:

  • Name: the name of the subnet
  • IP Address: the IP address of the printer
  • Subnet Mask: the mask in CIDR notation; 32 for a single device
  • Description: a description of the subnet

Click the 'Save' button to add the subnet to the endpoint.

Add the Printer to Windows

On the Connect endpoint that will access the printer via the TAN, type 'Printers & Scanners' into Windows search to open the Printer settings

Search for Printers & Scanners system settings

In the Printers & Scanners system settings page, click 'Add device'. Windows will search for a device, when the screen updates with 'The printer that I want isn't listed', click 'Add manually'.

Printers & scanners system settings

The Add Printer wizard will be displayed.


Depending on your printer, the steps you see may differ from these instructions.

Select 'Add a printer using an IP address or hostname' and click 'Next'.

Find a printer by other options

Enter the Device type, IP address and Port name (if known) of the printer, click 'Next'.

Type a printer hostname or IP address

When prompted, select the Device Type from the list and click 'Next'.

Additional port information required

Select the correct driver for your printer and click 'Next'.

Install the printer driver

Enter a name for the printer and click 'Next'.

Type a printer name

Set the Printer Sharing options and click 'Next'.

Printer Sharing

You can now print to your network printer via the Trusted Area Network.

You've successfully added the printer