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Managing Tags

CyberHive Connect can use Tags as part of an IAM Policy, to control access between Endpoints.


This tab is only accessible if you have sufficient permissions within the Organisation.

Creating a Tag

Navigate to the Tags tab within your Organisation and click on the Add Tag button.

Tags view

Enter a name for the Tag. The Tag name must be lower case and may contain hyphens. For example, "sales-team", rather than "Sales Team".

Add tag

Click the Save button.

Click the OK button on the confirmation dialog.


Deleting a Tag

Navigate to the Tags tab within your Organisation.

Find the Tag you want to delete in the list of Tags and click the delete icon to the right of the line.

Delete tag

Click the Confirm and Delete button on the Delete Tag dialog.

Confirm deletion

Click OK on the final dialog.

Managing Endpoints for a Tag

Navigate to the Tags tab within your Organisation. Find the Tag to edit, and click on the name.

Tag Endpoints

Available Endpoints, and Endpoints that have already been tagged, are displayed on the page.

Click the Edit button to change tagged Endpoints.


Changes are not saved automatically. To save changes, click the Save button.

Clicking the Cancel button will revert any changes.

Edit Tag Endpoints

Select an Endpoint in the Available Endpoints list on the left, and click "Add to Tag" to tag it.

Tag Endpoints Add

Select an Endpoint in the Tagged Endpoints list on the right, and click "Remove from Tag" to un-tag it.

Tag Endpoints Remove