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Invite Users

Admin users can invite new users to sign up to Connect and join their Organisation.

Users who sign up via this process can register Endpoints associated with their account, but are not granted administrative access.

The invited users must have Microsoft accounts in order to authenticate their Endpoints using Federated Login.

Inviting Users

Navigate to the Users tab within your Organisation and click on the Invite User button.

Enter the email address for the person you wish to invite:

Invite User - enter email address

When you click on Send, a confirmation will be displayed:

Invite User - confirmation displayed

The invite email contains details of the invitation and a link to join the Organisation:

Invite User - email with link to join organisation

Upon following the link, the user is prompted to authenticate using their Microsoft account:

Invite User - authentication prompt

Once authenticated, confirmation is displayed along with links to download the Connect client software:

Invite User - enter email address


The user may now download the client software, and proceed to log in using Federated Login.


You can invite as many users as you like within the bounds of your plan. If you need more users, simply contact us via

Access tokens

Once an invite has been accepted and confirmed, an Admin user may create an access token for the User. An access token may be used on an Endpoint where federated login is not possible, such as a host without a browser.