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Install Connect on Linux

CyberHive Connect client packages are provided for Debian- and RPM-based distributions. The packages, along with instructions to configure your package manager, are available on our download site.

When the repository has been added to your configuration, the commands below will install the package.


The organisation of the apt repository has changed. Users of Connect 3.4.0 and earlier must follow the instructions to add the apt repository again.


See Upgrade Connect for details of how to upgrade the client.


We recommend rebooting the machine after Connect is installed and configured, or upgraded.

System requirements

Before starting, review the system requirements and ensure that your system meets them.


apt update
apt install cyberhive-connect

For a direct download:

apt install ./cyberhive-connect.deb


Make sure to use the actual file name and location, not the example shown here!


dpkg may also be used to install a downloaded package:

dpkg -i cyberhive-connect.deb


yum update
yum install cyberhive-connect

For a direct download:

yum install ./cyberhive-connect.rpm


Make sure to use the actual file name and location of the downloaded package!


Earlier versions of yum may need to use localinstall for a downloaded package.

Configuring the service


See Configuration Options for more information on the available settings.

The client supports installation of a service under multiple service management frameworks: systemd, launchd, upstart, runit, and sysv init.

We'll describe configuration under systemd here. The same environment variables would need to be configured under other frameworks; see the documentation of your selected framework for more information.

The configuration needed for Connect on Linux must be placed in /etc/default/cyberhive-connect. You may either create this file from scratch, or copy the example file /etc/default/cyberhive-connect.example.


Only the root user should have permissions to this settings file, so remember to restrict them:

sudo chown root:root /etc/default/cyberhive-connect
sudo chmod 600 /etc/default/cyberhive-connect

Establish the specific values for your Endpoint with a system administrator and replace the example values shown below by editing /etc/default/cyberhive-connect:

[email protected]

Authentication using an access token

The access token provided by your system administrator should be placed as the value of the CONNECT_AUTH_TOKEN field.


Endpoint hostnames can contain only letters, numbers, and hyphens and must be 63 characters or less in length. Valid hostnames look like desktop-pc, DESKTOP-PC, or DesktopPC.

Invalid hostnames look like desktop_pc, DESKTOP PC, desktop--pc, or -DesktopPC.

Hostnames are also case-insensitive unique within an Organisation. For example, desktop-pc, Desktop-PC, and DESKTOP-PC are identical in Connect.


It is also possible to pre-generate keys for the Endpoint.

Enable and start the service

Again under systemd, enable the service and start it immediately:

sudo systemctl enable --now cyberhive-connect.service

Interactive Usage

Users running a graphical Linux desktop can perform an interactive (browser-based) login by running the cyberhive-connect binary from the command line. Note that to do so, Connect must be run with elevated privileges, using sudo.

You must specify a username and server URL.

This can be done on the command line using the -u and -s flags, respectively.


$ sudo cyberhive-connect -u [email protected] -s
To log in, please open the following link in a private browser window - I'll wait...[email protected]

The values can also be specified using environment variables.


$ sudo [email protected] CONNECT_SERVER= cyberhive-connect
To log in, please open the following link in a private browser window - I'll wait...[email protected]